Saturday, September 02, 2006

They Never Get It

A few weeks ago a terrorist was arrested in Germany. The police and intelligence agencies there found out that he was planning to blow up two commuter trains. I had just returned from Germany and read the reaction in the press. Everyone was shocked and amazed.

The terrorists are targeting Germany! But we're not the bad guys like America! We're good like France!

USA Today reported:

"Germany's refusal to take part in the U.S.-led war in Iraq once had Germans thinking Islamic terrorists would focus elsewhere, said Lesch's wife, Marita, 52, a teacher. "We didn't fight in Iraq, and until now we assumed that if we behaved well in the world, nothing would happen to us," she said.

Michael Lüders, a Middle East expert and government policy consultant, said, "Germany is reorienting its (foreign) policy. It did not call for an immediate cease-fire (during Israeli attacks) in Lebanon, and that was disappointing in the Arab world. Some radical forces now think Germany should be punished," he said."

This is an incredible rationalization of terrorism. In short, if Germany or the West doesn't toe the radical Muslim line, it will become a target. Neutrality is now not enough, activism on behalf of radical Muslism is the only way to avoid being an enemy.

The truth is that no matter what Germany or any of the other EU countries do, terrorism is now an unfortunate fact of life. Neutrality is not an option. Only vigilance and activism will serve to safeguard the West.

In 1972 Germany became the bed where the seeds of terrorism were planted. The German people thought that it was Israel's problem and have by and large sat idly by as the US, the UK and Israel have faced Radical Islam. Now these seeds have grown into weeds that are threatening to choke Germany. After 34 years, they still don't get it.

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