Tuesday, April 25, 2006

God's Hot Dogs

A friend of mine and I were commiserating on the viscissitudes of business. I told him that I thought that his idea was brilliant and he said:

"If I'm so smart, why am I so broke?"

I've heard that in one form or another from others. Indeed, I've thought it myself on occasion.

The only answer that makes sense, is that smart and rich aren't necessarily connected. There are plenty of rich dummies and poor geniuses.

To take it a step farther, there are plenty of smart, good looking, poor people; and some good looking, poor ignoramuses. And the permutations get really interesting when you add in athleticism.

The only thing I can figure is that we're all God's little hot dogs. Money, good looks, intelligence, athleticism and other attributes that we desire are God's condiments.

Mustard doesn't cause ketchup, they only make periodic appearances together.

Just once I'd like to be a chili dog with the works.


David Kopp said...

haha ! great.

David Kopp said...

haha! Great.

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