Saturday, March 18, 2006

Stupid Reporter

Molly Moore of the Washington Post has got to go back to school and learn some French. She obviously translated the comments of some poor frail French students incorrectly in yesterday's paper.

Just to give you some background on the article, and estimated 250,000 French students were protesting across France in response to a proposed change in the labor laws that would allow employers to fire, at will, any employee under 26 years old within the first 24 months of employment.

Here is what she quotes the students as having said about why they were protesting:

"They are offering us nothing but slavery."

"You'll get a job knowing that you've got to do every single thing they ask you to do because otherwise you may get sacked."

"I'd rather spend more time looking for a job and get a real one."

Certainly Moore got this all wrong. This has to be a mis-translation.

Even knowing the French, it's hard to believe that hundreds of thousands of French students are rioting because they might have to actually work at a job!

Sacre Bleu! Not work! This is "noting but slavery."

The real translation must be something like this:

"They're offering us nothing but unemployment. Liberalize the rules further so that companies can actually create some jobs here"

"I wouldn't mind doing everything my employer asks since they are actually paying me."

"I'd rather spend my time working at a job rather than protesting so that there's a chance that some of the jobs might stay here instead of going to Hungary and Romania."

I'm sure that's what happened.

It must have been a translation error.


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